Chapter One :Chapter 1

Not failing the final year of school and getting average marks was a hell of a task for someone like Alia and why won't it be? She never wanted to study so hard anyway. Scoring above 90% and scoring above 50% didn't really matter since there was just going to be one word written in bold letters on both the report cards; PASS.

That's it. Nothing more nothing less.

That's how Alia thought. Although she knew sometimes her thoughts were baseless, it was fine as long as no one else knew and today was the D—day.

The first day of college.

It meant the beginning of a new life.

A new phase.

A new identity was meant to be created.

Three years made or wasted.

And of course it meant a new wardrobe. And that was exactly what she was worrying about.

Why do I have so many that I can't decide what to wear!?

Grabbing a white checked shirt and black jeans she went for a shower. Her Grandfather had made sure she had everything for this new phase. New shampoos, conditioners, serums, face washes, make—up and the list went on and on. She was happy but anxious. Alia and Shivani had gotten admission in the same college although Shivani had been the intelligent one, Alia had always been good at the practical situation at hand.

Putting on black vans and styling her hair she went down the dinning room to have breakfast. Grabbing a plate, she went and sat on the last chair of the table where she liked to.

"All set, baby?" Pujita, Alia's mother, came in, grabbing a plate for herself.

"Yeah. Isn't it an off day for you today?"

"It is but we still have some work left and we'll complete it today. I'll be home at noon." She explained. Alia nodded and got up after finishing her breakfast. Grabbing her bag, wallet and scooter keys she kissed her mumma's cheek and left home.

She drove through the streets of Panchkula to Chandigarh on her scooter enjoying every moment of air hitting her face. She reached her college, the new regular destination of her life. She parked the scooter in its section and stood near the entrance.

Where is she? She looked around.

"BOO!" came a voice behind her along with a shove.

"And fuck you," she deadpanned in return, turning to look behind her.

Shivani had aimed to scare Alia where as she had gotten abused by her again. It was once in a blue moon that she was able to scare Alia. Shivani sighed and looped her arm through Alia's and walked further entering the world where they had to settle in. It was orientation day and they were early since they wanted to explore before everyone. Curiosity for what they had always dreamed about in high school.

Browsing through the corridors containing thousands of students, graduated or not, was a new experience. With students wearing clothes from branded dresses and clothes to traditional salwar— kameez. Different lavatories belonging to different sections and each one having a floor to themselves, it was nice.

It was the time of orientation and both of them went to the auditorium to attend it. The same old traditions were followed; lightening of the diya to the worshipping Goddess Saraswati. Alia was aloof most of the time and who would be paying attention to some speech a teacher was giving for years probably. The dance performances were excellent and so was the singing.

But then it was the time for the speeches given by different students in the college who were running for the student body President. Different speeches, different faces, different promises. But there was a face that she had her eye on. Would he even look at her? He was a senior.

Let it be. I want no boy trouble in the first year anyway. She thought.

Sighing she pulled out her phone and checked out the latest feed on Instagram.

As time went by so did the speech of different people. Boring and interesting, long and short, new and old; all of them were of no interest to her. Shivani was the one who was going to make a decision and she would just go by it.

The orientation was over and tomorrow, they all were going to be introduced to their teachers.

Shivani and Alia left the Auditorium and went to the cafeteria. From that boring show, it obviously meant a coffee calling and a strong one.

"So who's going?" Shivani asked her, still looking ahead at the menu.

"Obviously you, I've been ordering all summer. " Alia retorted whilst raising an eyebrow.

Sighing Shivani muttered a 'fine' and walked up to order. Alia smiled at her antics, happy for her to come out of her shell and talk to people, even if it meant ordering.

She looked around for two seats, paying full attention to her sight in search of them. Suddenly something hard hit her shoulder and she jerked forward bumping into another hard chest. Her nose hurt after being bumped into something too hard. And she could feel the arms going around her waist.

And they had really strong muscular arms.

She pulled back to look up only to be stopped at a distance of an inch or two since that was the amount of distance that the strong muscular arms allowed. A handsome face came into her view. Black hair with a five o'clock shadow was suiting that dusty handsome face.

"Uhh... ?" Alia wasn't sure about what to say to the guy who was handsome and strong as hell but was staring at her like a creep, freaking her out. He was the guy at the auditorium.

"Could you let go?" Boldly spoken, true to her personality, she now wanted to go away. But that would happen if he or his arms would let her go.

"You're new here, darling." He spoke for the first time. Honouring her to hear his dark and intimidating voice spoken in true terms of a man, he stared down at her.

"Welcome to the college, darling."

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